Pastor Run Church Challenge

Our pastors are available to us 24/7. They run hard for us. Here's your chance to run hard for him! This year, the Stand Fast for Life 5K will include a challenge to any church who wants to honor their pastor.

Sign up to run the 5K under your church's team and run the race to win on October 5th. We will take the top 4 times from each group, combine them, and give the group with the fastest combined time a gift card to Carolina Restaurant in Chesterfield, SC for $50.00 to give to your pastor. Simply join your church's team during registration. What a great way to end Pastor Appreciation Month! 

Are you up for the challenge?

Rules and Regulations!

-Before you can register as a team, your church team name must be sent to . We will then register your team. You are welcome to make a creative name, but it must have the main name for your church included.

-There is a minimum of 4 people per team. There is no maximum.

-Registrations for teams must be submitted by 9/7/19.

-Teams are encouraged, but not required, to wear shirts with your church logo.