Elly (not her real name) called to make an appointment for a pregnancy test. She stated that she had been sexually active only one time. After arriving and filling out her paperwork, she said that if she was pregnant she was getting an abortion. Although she had already taken a pregnancy test at home, she was hoping that the positive result was wrong. It wasn't.
After talking a bit, Heather, our sonographer, gave her an ultrasound. Although she wasn't far enough along to see much, a heartbeat showed up. And Elly, well, her tears streamed down her face as the humanity of her child hit her full force. We talked for a while. There were lots of tears and lots of prayers. She agreed to come back in a couple weeks for another ultrasound.
But, when that day arrived,
she didn't show up for her appointment.
So, once again, we prayed.
But, when that day arrived, she didn’t show up for her appointment. So, once again we prayed. When I called Elly that evening, she told me that something had come up and that she had lost our number. She thanked me for calling and made another appointment. When I asked her how she was feeling about her baby and if she was still wanting an abortion, she said, "I'm so over that now. I'm going to keep my baby."
When she came for her next appointment, instead of crying about being pregnant, Elly grinned from ear to ear when she saw the precious life inside of her.
This is why we do what we do! And this is why we need you to partner with us this holiday season. Please prayerfully consider a year-end gift to HOPE Pregnancy Resource Center to get us through the winter months.